Biggest thing is communicating; figure out who you’re providing value for
— Ike Harris

How do you want to be remembered?

“That I always put myself out there, regardless of the stage” “Represented Dal to the best of my ability”“Represented Dal the way that Dal should be represented”

Why would you encourage people to get involved?

[Getting involved] Opened up doors to people I have met, places I’ve been; “Makes the engineering grind a lot more bearable, meet new people”

Advice to young engineering students looking to make the most of their time here?

“Put yourself out there, get involved. If you feel nervous, recognize that other people feel nervous too.”


Why student executives fall apart:

  • Losing the core purpose of why the committee or organization exists

  • Joining to pad their resume and stop thinking about providing content

  • Finding it tough to commit to something they may not be paid for

Ike’s advice for anticipating peoples interests:

  • COMMUNICATING! Figure out who you are providing value for

  • Learn from previous events, what went wrong and what went right.

  • Put yourself in a person’s shoes.

Here is Ike’s checklist for a successful conference:

  • Did everything run smoothly?

  • Was everything within budget?

  • Did everyone have fun?


Looking for formative leadership experience? Here are Ike’s favorites…

  • Join DES planning committee

  • Join Congress 2018 planning committee


Ike’s role models? They’re all students…

  • Derrick Moreau

  • Amanda Maclean

  • Max Starkman

  • Tara Sherrad (his best friend)
